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IMPACT Webinar

Charting the Next Era of MENA Hydrogen: Race to Global Top

[IMPACT] Charting the Next Era of MENA Hydrogen: Race to Global Top

Time: 13:00-15:00 Dubai Time, Oct 24, 2024

Format: Digital Conference


The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with its abundant energy resources and some of the world's largest hydrogen projects, is rapidly advancing as a global hydrogen leader. However, to reach the top, timing and strategic deployment are crucial—focusing efforts where hydrogen can deliver the greatest impact, and ensuring that the necessary policy, infrastructure, and investment supports are in place. This webinar will explore the key factors driving MENA’s hydrogen growth, including policy leadership, infrastructure readiness, breakthrough projects, and immediate market opportunities. Join us to discuss the foundations of a successful hydrogen future in MENA as we push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Our Key Takeaways:

  • Gain in-depth insights into the latest developments and future trends of MENA's hydrogen development

  • Grasp the key elements and successful experiences of hydrogen industry development

  • Network with industry experts and corporate representatives, expanding cooperation opportunities

  • Collectively explore the opportunities and challenges of MENA's hydrogen development, contributing wisdom to the creation of future hydrogen powerhouses.

IMPACT Oct 24 Agenda (Draft):

13:00-13:20 | The Evolving Role of MENA in the Global Low Carbon Hydrogen Economy

Ms. Claude Mourey, Head of Hydrogen & Low carbon fuels – EMEA, Wood Mackenzie

13:20-13:40 | Unlocking Industrial Hydrogen Applications: Sector Possibilities and Barriers

13:40-14:00 | MENA Hydrogen Landscape: Opportunities and Pathways for Future Projects

14:00-14:20 | Forging New Alliances: Transforming Germany-MENA Partnerships through Hydrogen

Ms. Pauline Raabe, Project Manager Outreach, H2Global Stiftung

14:20-14:40 | Unlocking MENA's Next Potential: Transitioning from Hydrogen to Sustainable Fuels

Mr. Ali Zerouali, Chief Development Officer, HIF Global

14:40-15:00 | Speaker Enagagement and Q&A

Insights Brought to You by:

Ali Zerouali

Chief Development Officer

HIF Global

Claude Mourey

Head of Hydrogen & Low carbon fuels – EMEA

Wood Mackenzie

Pauline Raabe

Project Manager Outreach

H2Global Stiftung

More speaker to be updated...

Organizing Contact:

Molly Huang

+86 1560 177 4853

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