ENOC Field Trip
Field Trip Schedule: ENOC Green Hydrogen Fueling Station
08:20-08:30: Registration at Madinat Jumeirah Conference Centre.
08:30-09:00: Departure to ENOC Green Hydrogen Fueling Station
09:00-12:00: Guided Tour and Presentation by ENOC (*Details will be announced later.)
12:00-12:30 Back to Madinat Jumeirah Conference Centre
Field Trip Experience Presented By:
Technical Aspects:
Guided tour of the ENOC Hydrogen Station, demonstrating the technology behind hydrogen production, storage, and dispensing, as well as safety protocols and environmental benefits.

Mr. Saikat Mukherjee
Technical Manager - EIPM
Commercial Customer Aspects:
Focusing on the commercial applications and customer engagement strategies for hydrogen fuel at the ENOC Hydrogen Station.

Mr. Rahul Jathanna
Sales Manager - EIPM
Introduction of the ENOC Hydrogen Station:
ENOC commissioned its 1st Green hydrogen dual refuelling station within the Service Station of the Future (SSoF) at Expo City Dubai.
The station was built in time to support the country’s hosting of COP28, welcoming thousands of global climate champions. ENOC’s station offers reliable fuelling options at 350 and 700 bar to meet all types of hydrogen vehicle requirements, which can be scaled to meet growing demand in the future.
Like traditional fuelling methods, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can be refuelled quickly and efficiently at the hydrogen station. SSoF is now the only station in the region to provide hydrogen, hydrocarbon fuels (petrol and diesel) as well as electric charging stations.