Dubai Electricity & Water Authority Field Trip
Field Trip Partner
In partnership with Dubai Electrify & Water Authority, CGHM 2024 will co-organize the on-site field trip to visit the first industrial scale, solar-driven green hydrogen facility in the Middle East and North Africa, located at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) and Expo 2020 Dubai, this integrated facility was developed with electrolysis, storage, and re-electrification capabilities, to maximize the benefits of the pilot project. Daylight solar power from the solar park will enable the pilot project to produce around 20.5kg/hr of hydrogen at 1.25MWe of peak power. This trailblazing Green Hydrogen Project serves as a major milestone in the advancement of the sustainable energy industry in the region.
April 23, 2024
10:00 - 10:30(30 mins)
[Keynote Presentation] DEWA Research & Development (R&D) Centre
The DEWA R&D Centre, at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, aims to become a global platform that develops and tests innovative solutions to enhance the operations and services of DEWA. The Centre's research areas include solar power, water, smart grid integration, and energy efficiency. These core areas of the R&D are supported by 3 Enablers: Fourth Industrial Revolution (including Al, IoT, Robotics & Drones, 3D Printing & Advanced Materials), Energy System Analyses, and Space. Through Space-D, the Centre develops several niche use-cases for grid and water networks.

Dr Sgouris Sgouridis
Director Research Programs
Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA
10:30 - 11:30 (30 mins)
[Keynote Presentation] The Green Hydrogen Project
The Green Hydrogen project is the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa to use solar power to produce hydrogen. It was implemented in collaboration between DEWA, Expo 2020 Dubai, and Siemens Energy at the outdoor testing facilities of the R&D Centre at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The pilot plant has been designed to accommodate future applications and test platforms of different uses for hydrogen, such as for industry and transportation.

Dr Harry Nicholas Apostoleris
Senior Researcher - Energy Systems Analysis
Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA

Dr Amro Satti
Technology Demonstration Manager
Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA
11:30 - 13:00 (90 mins)
[Plant Tour] The Green Hydrogen Project
The DEWA R&D Centre, at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, aims to become a global platform that develops and tests innovative solutions to enhance the operations and services of DEWA. The Centre's research areas include solar power, water, smart grid integration, and energy efficiency. These core areas of the R&D are supported by 3 Enablers: Fourth Industrial Revolution (including Al, IoT, Robotics & Drones, 3D Printing & Advanced Materials), Energy System Analyses, and Space. Through Space-D, the Centre develops several niche use-cases for grid and water networks.

Eng. Ahmed Ali Ahmed Mohamed Almarshoodi
Deputy Manager
Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA